I am spending my Saturday evening in the
It is an odd place to be after dark on a Saturday. I watch cards bump over the metal circles that form speed bumps as the roll through Mexican Aduana. It’s relaxing to be on this side. I don’t even give a second thought to passing into
I love my time here in the evenings. It is an escape for me. I am mostly alone except for when groups of migrants come through. None of the foot traffic constantly coming by like during the day. Watching the people that walk by IS pretty interesting though. When you lookout the door here, you see everything and everyone that enters
I don’t condemn any of these people for their lives or actions. This view I have learned to appreciate is an unexpected blessing. We each live our lives from different ends of the world, rarely seeing how the others live. My life is very real…but how easily we forget that others’ lives are just as real. Our circumstances are all so very different, but we all share the same bit of earth. Sometimes that is so hard to see since we are so geographically separate. Think about your neighborhood, friends, work, CHURCH…. Are we with people that are like us? How much diversity do we actually see? Certainly we will gravitate towards people who are like us, but I think that makes us prima candidates for encapsulation. The door out into the rainy sidewalk is like a window into reality sometimes for me.
With the rain comes a reminder that the roof here is in desperate need of repair. I spend a good little while spreading out the old plastic ice cream buckets to catch the dripping. My time living in Cabin 9 taught me about how strategic fan placement can dry a floor out pretty well, so I put that into action too.
I haven’t had any migrants in here tonight. I can only hope that the Border Patrol saw the horrible weather and decided to keep the people until it cleared up a bit. That would be good of them since there really is nowhere for people to go after 12 or so. When I got here, there was a woman named Elva here waiting with her two daughters. The girls were sleeping on mats in the corner. Hermila, the woman who is here before me on Saturdays, said that she had been there since
Correction, I just had a few migrants pass by, 4 entered: 2 women and two girls. The one woman was in custody for 14 hours, the other for over 24. Neither were given anything to eat. They don’t complain about it to me, I actually have to pry to find out. They just assume that they were breaking the law and so whatever they get they deserve. I am afraid that the Border Patrol abuses this mindset. It seems to depend on who is working that night though. Some nights the migrants say the Patrolla was just fine. They gave them food and treated them well. Other nights, it is a completely different story. What could drive someone to care so little about another human being as to deprive them food? I can’t help but think of the Standford Prison Study. It is amazing what that sort of situation can do to someone’s psyche: be it from the migrant OR officer’s side. The power or subordination determines how you will react. If you aren’t familiar with the study, look it up. It was headed by Philip Zimbardo… whose name I probably misspelled.
Today’s proverb was Proverbs 19. Verse 4 reads “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” This is just another of the constant reminders that it is Jesus we serve. I suppose I have it really easy being here at night when it is cool and calm. Being here in the hot daytime when the place is packed with migrants who, after 3 days in the desert sweating with no showers or hygiene of any kind available, aren’t smelling so great and are all in this small, badly ventilated storefront. Do not think well of me for my time here, but do remember in your prayers those who give their lives and time to those hot and wretched days in this resource center. I wish I were that strong.
Another thing that looking out into the night does is to remind me how it is to get sucked into one side of life and forget that we are all children, whether lost or found, of a loving God. The migrant is hopeless and aching, but that doesn’t make the diva headed to Metropolis any less deserving of the love of God. It seems too easy for us activist types to turn up a nose to those who have much in favor of those who have little, or to look at the situation as a good guys/bad guys sort of thing. It isn’t that. It is a horrible broken system which people have to adapt to. That is a good measuring stick I use to test why I am doing what I am doing. If it has just become a job, then I am not seeing people as Gods creations anymore. God loves the migrant. God loves the Diva. God loves the Aduana officer. God loves the Border Patrol agent. God loves the coyote. God loves the burnout…. God loves me.
I want to learn to love like He does.
wow, when you get a chance to blog you do it right. Living my entire life under white privilege in a white world (not very seldom even sexism enters my world), it's edifying to hear the other side and those who are 'in the trenches' God bless you
What an excellent look at the world you live in and what a sobering reminder of how we should all look at the people around us. It is very easy for me to be angry and unloving toward peopl whom I see as angry and unloving....hmmmm....what's wrong with this picture?
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